Join us

To become a FriquiFund member, please follow the steps below:

  1. Fill the FriquiFund Membership Form

  2. Transfer the submission fee* to the account below:

     IBAN: ES71 3025 0017 4314 0005 6392
     Concepte: FriquiFund 2023 - YOUR NAME HERE

    Or, alternatively, at Benevity under “FriquiFund Membership 2024”

    The fee is 240€ every year (*), but when you first join you can make it 20€ per remaining full month of the year. For example, if you join in October, you would need to transfer 40€ for your first year membership.

Since FriquiFund is fully managed by volunteers, it may take us a few days to get back to you… bear with us!

(*) FriquiFund is a registered ‘Asociación al amparo de la Ley Orgánica 1/2002, 16/09/2020’ with NIF G42973735. However we do not yet have the status of ‘Utilitat Pública’ and so your donation will not be tax-deductible under Spanish tax law.